David Alexander Bateman

Associate Professor


David Bateman is an Associate Professor of Government. His research focuses broadly on democratic institutions, including legislatures and political rights, and as well as on ideas and ideologies of democracy, race, and racism. He has published articles in Studies in American Political Development, the American Journal of Political Science, Public Choice, Perspectives on Politics, and The Forum. His co-authored book, Southern Nation: Congress and White Supremacy after Reconstruction, examines the role of southern members of Congress in shaping national policy from the end of Reconstruction until the New Deal. His second book, Disenfranchising Democracy: Constructing the Electorate in the United States, the United Kingdom, and France, examines the concurrent expansion of political rights alongside mass disenfranchisement in these three countries. He is currently researching Black political and labor organizing in the early 20th century and its impact on US statebuilding and ideologies.



2018. Disenfranchising Democracy: Constructing the Electorate in the United States, United Kingdom, and France. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

2018. Southern Nation: Congress and White Supremacy after Reconstruction. With Ira Katznelson and John Lapinski. Princeton: Princeton University Press.


2019 “Partisan Polarization on Black Suffrage, 1785-1868.” Perspectives on Politics. 18(2): 470-491.

2019 “Transatlantic Anxieties: Democracy and Diversity in Nineteenth-Century Discourse.” Studies in American Political Development. 33(2): 139-177.

2019 “A developmental approach to historical causal inference.” Public Choice. 185: 253-279

2017. “A House Divided? Roll Calls, Policy Differences, and Congressional Polarization from 1877-2011.” With Josh Clinton and John Lapinski. American Journal of Political Science. 61(3):698-714.

2016. “An Inherent Tension within Populist Politics.” with Adam Levine. The Forum. 14(3): 311-327

2016. “Race, Party, and American Voting Rights.” The Forum. 14(1): 39-65

2016. “Ideal Points and the Study of American Political Development.” With John Lapinski. Studies in American Political Development. 30(2): 1-25

2015. “Southern Politics Revisited: On V.O. Key’s ‘South in the House.”’ With Ira Katznelson and John Lapinski. Studies in American Political Development. 29(2): 154-184

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